Delivery of goods from Kazakhstan

OOO “Vitta-Trans” provides services for the delivery of goods from Russia to Kazakhstan in various ways: road, sea, multimodal, etc. We carry out international transportation from Russia to Kazakhstan on the “door to door” principle, when the cargo is sent as part of a consolidated shipment or in separate containers. The Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus constitute a single economic and customs space, which was formed during the creation of the Customs Union within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community (CU Eurasian Economic Community).

Transportation route.

The route for transporting goods to Kazakhstan depends on the points of departure (Moscow or another Russian city) and destination (Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Temirtau, Karaganda, etc.), as well as the type of delivery. Road transport Russia Kazakhstan on the Moscow-Astana route is carried out in 5-7 days, without transshipment points.

Characteristics of cargo delivery
The Customs Code within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Community defines the following characteristics of international cargo transportation.

Duty free system.  On the territory of the single customs space of the Eurasian Economic Community, cargo transportation to Russia and Kazakhstan is carried out by various types of vehicles without the application of customs duties, quantitative and equivalent restrictions. This system applies to the transportation of the following groups of goods: motor vehicles, technological equipment, components and spare parts for it, raw materials, food, fuel, etc. Transportation of goods from Russia to Kazakhstan implies a duty-free regime if the goods are produced in a single customs territory or released for free circulation in one of the CU member countries. Benefits for cargo transportation are provided if there is a Certificate of Origin of the goods (in the form ST-1).

Introduction of the Unified Customs Tariff.  On the territory of the CU countries of the EurAsEC, a special trade policy instrument is used – the Common Customs Tariff (CCT), which is a set of customs duty rates that apply to goods imported into the territory of the CU from third countries. The corresponding document contains 21 sections with 97 points, which indicate the ETT for cargo transportation for each category of goods.

Insurance of customs risks.  The insurance rate is calculated depending on the type of vehicle used, the conditions of delivery of goods to Kazakhstan, the amount of insurance liability, the length and nature of the transportation route, the range of goods, the presence of overloads along the way, as well as other factors. Such a mechanism protects the interests of the carrier in the event that the goods are damaged during the transportation of groupage cargo to Kazakhstan. The cost of insurance in Kazakhstan is 0.2-0.3% of the amount of payments at customs, in Russia – from 3 to 10% of the price of road transportation.

Information exchange.  Road transportation to Kazakhstan is carried out in accordance with the concept of a “single TIR window” and EU requirements. For this purpose, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) has developed the TIR-EPD Internet application. Such an information system allows carriers to provide information about the upcoming delivery of groupage cargo to Kazakhstan in electronic form. The ability to computerize cargo transportation from Russia to Kazakhstan ensures high quality transport services, as well as reducing the time and cost of international transportation of goods.

To obtain additional information or order international transportation of consolidated cargo or delivery by a separate vehicle, you can call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section or send an online request to the Vitta-Trans email