Delivery of goods from Spain

The Vitta-Trans company carries out international transportation of goods from Spain. Transportation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of European regulations: the TIR and CMR conventions, AETR agreements, etc.

Features of Spanish logistics.

State support for exports. In Spain, cargo exports are supported by regional administrations, the Supreme Council of Chambers of Commerce, as well as Spanish exporters’ associations and government organizations such as the Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX). About 150 million euros per year are allocated for the latter’s activities, 80% of which goes to export development. State support for the export and transportation of goods is associated with superior production volumes compared to the needs of the population.

Availability of Free EZ.  Industry in Spain is concentrated in Free Economic Zones (FEZs). On their territory, imported cargo is exempt from import duties, taxes and VAT. Spain has free zones in large port cities – Vigo and Cadiz on the Atlantic coast, in Barcelona on the Mediterranean coast, and on the Canary Islands. The concentration of Free EZ s in certain areas facilitates the transportation of goods to delivery points.
Developed transport network.Spain has one of the most highly developed transport infrastructures. Air transport occupies one of the leading positions: 34 airports out of 42 in the country transport goods from Spain. The length of roads is 328,000 km, railway tracks – 14,589 km. A developed transport network allows for the delivery of goods to the port or border.

Developed system of sea cargo transportation. Spain has historically had an advantageous geographical location, which led to the formation of a developed port infrastructure. Each of the country’s 28 ports accepts cargo for delivery to almost anywhere in the world. The maritime network consists of about 300 ships transporting more than 30 million tons of cargo from Spain.

Methods of cargo delivery

Transportation of goods can be carried out by various types of transport, depending on the volume of the shipment and the characteristics of the delivered products. A special feature of railway cargo transportation is the need to reload goods at the border into Russian standard carriages, and air delivery is justified mainly when the urgency of cargo transportation is high. At the same time, developed road and sea routes made corresponding delivery methods popular.

Automobile transport. This method of sending cargo from Spain is one of the most popular. As part of a convoy, you can deliver both small and large consignments of goods at high speed, which is especially advantageous when transporting cargo to the southern and western territories of the Russian Federation.

Sea transport. This type of transport is preferable if regular cargo transportation of large consignments to Russia is carried out. Spain has efficient logistics complexes, which include warehouses for the consolidation of sea cargo.

To obtain additional information or order international transportation of consolidated cargo or delivery by a separate vehicle, you can call the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section or send an online request to the Vitta-Trans email